Hotel Libertador Arequipa i Alto Selva Alegre

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PeruHotel Libertador Arequipa



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Plaza Bolivar S N Urb, Alto Selva Alegre 04001, Peru
kontakter telefon: +51 54 215110
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Latitude: -16.389519, Longitude: -71.532722

kommentar 5

  • Rusko Milchev

    Rusko Milchev


    Went there because of the restaurant's high rating on TripAdvisor. Location is remote close to boulevards. Air quality in Arequipa is not good that is why, hanging out at swimming pool area and garden was meh. The fact cars are driving close while you are sunbathing at the pools area does not feel any luxury and exclusive and you pay for luxury. Dark atmosphere in lobby. Biggest problem with this place is you need a taxi to go anywhere in Arequipa. Do yourself a favor and get a hotel fee blocks from Plaza de Armas. The service at the hotel is really good. The only downfall was when I've asked for dessert with coffee, after the lunch and saw the restaurant's supervisor rolling eyes. Sorry you make good service but if you have some kind of attitude make better effort to hide it. FYI I didn't stay there but I can afford it.

  • Carlos Elias Bedoya

    Carlos Elias Bedoya


    Excelente hotel. Muy buena atencioñ.. cuartos amplios y bien equipadas... ambientes agradables para descansar o trabajar..

  • Karely Casa Carpio

    Karely Casa Carpio


    Muy buen lugar acogedor y buena comida

  • Marisol TAPIA

    Marisol TAPIA


    Es un hotel de lujo, realmente hermoso y muy agradable tanto por el exterior así como el Interior del hotel, con diversos espacios para diferentes tipos de reuniones académicas, de negocios o entretenimiento, con una ubicación estratégica fácil de llegar.

  • Neville Franks

    Neville Franks


    Nice big hotel. Need more staff with better English. All the other hotels we've stayed at in Peru have had better and more staff. Also one bottle of water and one bar of soap for two people is not enough. Pool could be warmer. Breakfast is very, very good.

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